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Mostrando resultados de 171
  • 3 Qüestions / Christian Sichau

    Xtec Organización

    • 1617 visitas

    El Dr. Christian Sichau és físic i historiador de la ciència per la universitat de Oldenburg (Alemanya). Des de 2003 fins a 2009 va ser comissari d'una exposició sobre física, geofísica i…

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  • Speaking: places in the local area (T: Grade 3)

    EduBook Organización

    • 1553 visitas

    The Montego Wax Museum is a place of interest in town. What is your favorite place of interest in your town or city? Tell the class about it and use these questions to help you. Describe your favorite…

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  • Mission:Explore - Welcome | Recurso educativo 677769

    Mission:Explore - Welcome

    V&V Books Vicens Vives Organización

    • 1439 visitas

    Mission Explore is an adventure trail which allows you to choose what type of specimen to look for. The player travels to the island of Regaloam to locate a specimen. Once an item has been found it then…

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  • Comprehension check (KET)

    EduBook Organización

    • 1434 visitas

    Are these sentences “Right” or “Wrong”? If there is not enough information to answer “Right” or “Wrong”, choose “Doesn’t say”. The Montego Wax Museum is a big tourist attraction…

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  • Comprehension check (KET)

    EduBook Organización

    • 1421 visitas

    Read the paragraph below and choose the best word for each space. Sunday morning Bill and Michelle met Nick and Rover in the park. They went to the wax museum. When Bill and Michelle were they opened…

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  • Prepositions - Activities

    EduBook Organización

    • 1019 visitas

    Fill in the gaps with the correct preposition. There were a lot of tourists standing in line the museum. “Let’s phone the police station going,” said Nick. Rover ran the park looking for the ball.…

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  • Comprehension check

    EduBook Organización

    • 847 visitas

    Who is speaking (A)? Who is listening (B)? “Are you hurt?” A: B: “We must stop him before he steals more paintings!” A: B: “It’s alright, there’s no problem.” A: B: “You know I am the…

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  • Afers exteriors / Anglaterra clàssica

    Xtec Organización

    • 4800 visitas

    'Afers exteriors' arriba a Anglaterra buscant la presència catalana en els grans pilars de la idiosincràsia anglesa, com Eton College, la BBC o el British Museum. El cap del Departament de…

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  • Espacios de presentación de la Edad del Hierro en el sur en el sur de Inglaterra | Recurso educativo 619551

    Espacios de presentación de la Edad del Hierro en el sur en el sur de Inglaterra

    Editorial Graó Organización

    • 2462 visitas

    En el condado de Hampshire, al sur denglaterra, nos encontramos con diferentes modelos didácticos de enseñanza/aprendizaje de la protohistoria británica y en especial de la denominada Edad del Hierro…

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  • Eye of the Donkey, The PCR method | Recurso educativo 40785

    Eye of the Donkey, The PCR method

    Tiching explorer Organización

    • 1 lo usan
    • 3070 visitas

    In this game a diamond called the "Eye of the Donkey" has been stolen from a museum. Our mission will be to collect DNA material from the crime scene to prove whether the two men arrested are…

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