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Mostrando resultados de 385553
  • Autoavaliación T05 03 - Un agasallo inesperado | Recurso educativo 583827

    Autoavaliación T05 03 - Un agasallo inesperado

    EduBook Organización

    • 1935 visitas

    Completa as oracións con interrogativos ou exclamativos. Escribe tamén ao final da oración o signo correspondente: libro tan interesante cho regalou pouca memoria teño Sabes vive se viu iso Non sei…

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  • Ordena. Resumo | Recurso educativo 583868

    Ordena. Resumo

    EduBook Organización

    • 1933 visitas

    Ordena as oracións segundo ocorren na lectura: Miros está moi triste. Poñen no globo unha mensaxe de paz e éncheno de pombas de papel. Miroslav recibe unha carta da súa nai contándolle que no seu…

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  • Completa. Pronomes relativos | Recurso educativo 583899

    Completa. Pronomes relativos

    EduBook Organización

    • 1941 visitas

    Completa as oracións con pronomes relativos: O gato me regalaches é moi xoguetón. Hai cousas sen as non me afago. A rapaza, nome non lembro, é pianista. O tractor mercou Lois é novo do trinque.

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  • Escribe. Familia léxica | Recurso educativo 584278

    Escribe. Familia léxica

    EduBook Organización

    • 1942 visitas

    Escribe catro palabras da familia léxica de folla e outras catro da de persoa.

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  • Escribe. Palabras homófonas | Recurso educativo 584562

    Escribe. Palabras homófonas

    EduBook Organización

    • 1942 visitas

    Escribe unha oración con cada unha destas palabras: basto / vasto baga / vaga habano / abano naval / nabal ora / hora misto / mixto

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  • Complete. The rural population | Recurso educativo 584732

    Complete. The rural population

    EduBook Organización

    • 1927 visitas

    Complete this text with the correct words: In Spain,% of the population is . This means that they live in municipalities of than 10 000 inhabitants. When the rural population is , they live in houses,…

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  • Democratic Spain | Recurso educativo 585127

    Democratic Spain

    EduBook Organización

    • 1926 visitas

    The Spanish Constitution The Constitution was approved on 6th December 1978. It recognises that sovereignty belongs to the people, and that all Spanish citizens over the age of 18 have the right to vote…

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  • Find out more | Recurso educativo 585198

    Find out more

    EduBook Organización

    • 1933 visitas

    We obtain the vitamins and minerals we need by eating a balanced diet that includes fresh fruit and vegetables. These are the most important vitamins:

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  • Electrical current | Recurso educativo 585450

    Electrical current

    EduBook Organización

    • 1935 visitas

    Electrical charge Have you noticed how the hair on your arms stands on end when your arm touches a television screen? Or have you felt a small electric shock after touching the metal body of a car? This…

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  • Learn. Find information using a search engine | Recurso educativo 585610

    Learn. Find information using a search engine

    EduBook Organización

    • 1926 visitas

    Search engines can make it much quicker and easier to find information on the Internet. But it helps to know how to use them in order to get the best results. What do we do? Write in the search box.…

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