Plant reproduction
In this unit we are going to learn about how flowering and non-flowering plants reproduce. The reproductive organs of most plants are in the flowers. It is in this part of the plant that the two reproductive processes occur: pollination and fertilisation. After fertilisation, the flowers develop into fruit, containing seeds. These seeds germinate and grow gradually into a new plant.
Esta secuencia contiene:
9 actividades
68 recursos
- Inglés
Secuencia didáctica
Didactic objectives Observe flowers and identify their parts. Recognise and distinguish between the protective and reproductive parts of a flower. Explain how a flower works. Compare different types of pollination. [...]
1. Reproduction in flowering plants Most flowering plants reproduce sexually. Their sexual organs are in the flowers. [...]
In this unit we are going to learn about how flowering and non-flowering plants reproduce. The reproductive organs of most plants are in the flowers. [...]
Some plant species reproduce asexually, but most plants reproduce sexually. A pollen grain fertilises the egg cell inside the ovule. The sexual organs of spermatophytes (flowering plants) are in the flowers. [...]
Pollination Sexual reproduction in plants occurs when a spermatozoid meets an ovule. For this to happen, the pollen grains need to travel from the stamens to the pistil. This process of transferring pollen grains is called pollination. [...]
The fruit As a seed develops, the pistil changes and grows, the petals fall off, and it becomes a fruit. Fruits have many different forms: Some are fleshy like peaches, pears and oranges. [...]
Asexual reproduction in flowering plants Some flowering plants can produce descendents from a single parent plant without the help of another individual. This type of reproduction is called asexual reproduction. [...]
In this unit we are going to learn about how flowering and non-flowering plants reproduce. The reproductive organs of most plants are in the flowers. [...]
In this unit we are going to learn about how flowering and non-flowering plants reproduce. The reproductive organs of most plants are in the flowers. [...]
Cursos y asignaturas
10 años:
- Biología
- Sociología
11 años:
- Sociología
- Biología
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