Absorb (v): to take in a substance or energy from the surrounding area. amino acids (n): biomolecules which combine to form proteins. autotroph (n): a living thing which produces its own food. Plants are autotrophs. capillarity (n): the force which makes a liquid rise up a thin tube against the force of gravity. carbon dioxide (CO2) (n): the gas produced when living things breathe out; it is used by plants in photosynthesis. [...]
Esta secuencia contiene:
7 actividades
7 recursos
- Inglés
Secuencia didáctica
Absorb (v): to take in a substance or energy from the surrounding area. amino acids (n): biomolecules which combine to form proteins. autotroph (n): a living thing which produces its own food. Plants are autotrophs. [...]
Absorption (n): taking in a substance or energy from the surrounding area. aerobic respiration (n): respiration which takes place in the presence of oxygen. [...]
Alternation of generations (n): the alternation of a sexual (gametophyte) and an asexual (sporophyte) phase in plant reproduction. anther (n): the part of the stamen that contains the pollen. [...]
Break off (v): to become separated from the main part of something. bud (n): a group of cells which differentiates and breaks off an animal to create a new individual by asexual reproduction. [...]
Acquired (adj): referring to behaviour: not present at birth, which an animal has to learn. auxin (n): a hormone which affects the growth and development of plants. behaviour (n): the way an organism acts; the things it does. [...]
Abiotic (adj): relating to the environment, not living things. aquatic (adj): relating to water. biome (n): a large area of the Earth which has similar plant and animal populations. [...]
Ash (n): the fine grey or black powder that is left after something has burned. It is one of the materials ejected when a volcano erupts. basalt (n): a type of black volcanic rock. bomb (n): a large pyroclast of up to 30 cm in size. [...]
Cursos y asignaturas
13 años:
- Biología
- Geologia
14 años:
- Geologia
- Biología
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